Git+GitHub Workshop
The workshop will cover basics of using the Version Control System - Git and how to collaborate effectively on your projects using GitHub. Not just Git push and run but how to tackle difficult situations and how to find help. The workshop will also cover the benefits of being an open source contributor and how to be an open source contributor. We'll be introducing some exciting offers from GitHub education for students, and to use it to build your knowledge on modern technologies, and how open source can shape your career. Read more about How open source can help shape your career in our community blog.
This is a Free community driven workshop 💖
This is a BYOC workshop
We'll be giving you hands-on experience on how to use the command line and git through it. So the event is Bring Your Own Computer workshop, your Laptops will be of great help here.
Topics covered
- Introduction to Command Line
- Introduction to Git
- Git Basic Commands
- Working in branches
- Merging and resolving conflicts
- Introduction to GitHub
- Submitting Pull Requests
- Reviewing Pull Requests
- Exploring open source projects
- Making your first contribution
- Introducing GitHub Education and Student's pack
Trainers and Mentors
- Musthaq Ahamad, GitHub Campus Expert | Community Lead - SOSC
- Abhishek P, Community Lead - SOSC
- Rumaan Khalander, Associate Android Dev | Technical Lead - SOSC
- Akshay Ram Bhat, Co-Technical Lead - SOSC
- Github Account - Use/Add your college Email ID to your account.
- Laptop Fully Charged (plug points will be available)
- Git Bash installed if you are on Windows
- Git installed and checked on Linux/Mac Laptops.
Follow this link to guide you through the installation.
Swags Sponsors
Post Event Report
The workshop was a success in all aspects and the attendees where damn active throughout the session. Had our community members to help the attendees throughout the workshop. We had split the workshop into 3 parts.
Introduction to Version Control using GitHub.
Explained how to setup a repository on GitHub, how to ad new files, edit files and view commits, and history. Working with branches, Merging branches and Submitting Pull requests. It was quite easy to explain GitHub first and then move on to Git and then back again how to connect both.
Introduction to Open Source, Linux and CLI
Short session on what open source is, hands on introduction to some of the basic linux commands and how to use the terminal effectively.
Intro to Git and Connecting with GitHub
Gave hands-on training on using git on local machine, setting up repositories locally and pushing it to GitHub, contributing to other's projects and best practices.
80 Students. We expected around 100, since we the college rescheduled exams we got a few students drop-out.
September 30th. 9.30 am to 1.45 pm Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management, Mangalore
Planning vs Implementation
- Start with history and need for Git [30 mins]
- Introduction to GitHub [1 hour]
- Introduction to Linux and CLI [30 mins]
- Introduction to Git [1 hour]
- Introduce GitHub Education and GitHub Student Developer Pack
- Expected around 100 students
- We ran short on time since the sessions we planned needed a little more time.
- We had planned for 3 hour session but it went for 4 full hours
- Throughout the workshop participants were damn active
- Everyone created their first Pull Request
- Venue was sponsored by college and had full support from the faculties.
- Rushed through the parts where we had to explain about HacktoberFest, because we had planned one more session to cover all these during October.
- All the participants were really energetic and active.
- Everyone was able to submit their very first pull request.
- Our community members had been around to mentor and help students with issues.
- Shed some bright light towards open source and how they can be part of it. Made everyone sign up for hacktoberfest.
- Had enough swags, Participants really liked the Cheat Sheet
- We had a few students drop-out after registering for the workshops, since college rescheduled the exams to the same day.
- The audience were mostly students who hardly worked on any CS related projects, but the idea of easily collaborating on projects gave them a little hope for their upcoming academic projects.
- We ran out of time since we had exams right after the workshop.
- Each session took more time than what we expected.
Feedback from attendees
- Workshop was really helpful for understanding how software is built
- GitHub will help a lot in collaborating with friends effectively.
- Mentors were really active in helping out issues we faced while using terminal commands.
- All the contents were easy to understand.
Even tho we didn't get expected number of attendees we had an energetic and enthusiastic crowd. Most of the students were able to understand Git and GitHub workflow and how it can be used in their academic projects. A good percentage of the attendees were able to submit their very first pull request and were super excited to get into hacktoberfest. Enlightened most of the attendees with the usefulness of linux OS while working with open source technologies.